Ahoy, Metapeers! The Sea Trial user testing contest is finally here. We’re very excited to let you all try out our exciting Pier Wharf Testnet product before the Mainnet launch. To participate, you’ll need to complete the following steps and get a quick sense of Pier Wharf!
Getting Ready
Before we begin, you’ll need to have a Flow wallet. If you don’t have one, follow this guide to set up a custodial Blocto wallet. Unfortunately, the Lilico wallet does not work for the Pier Wharf Testnet app.
1. Since we will be testing on Testnet, we need to get some test tokens! Request some Testnet FLOW and FUSD tokens from the Flow Faucet by entering your Testnet wallet address in the “Your Account Address” field, as shown below:
2. When the transaction is completed, you will see the following screen:
3. You are now ready to begin using Pier Wharf!
1. Access the Pier Wharf Swap page.
2. Click on the ‘Connect Wallet’ button in the top right corner to give Metapier permission to access your wallet via your wallet application or extension.
3. Select the token you own that you wish to sell, in the top box, in exchange for the token you wish to receive, in the bottom box (e.g. FLOW and tUSDT, respectively).
4. Enter the amount of the token you wish to sell. The amount you will receive will automatically appear in the bottom box.
- Tip: If there are not enough tokens in your wallet, you won’t be able to swap as the Swap Button will say “Insufficient Token Balance”.
- Tip: If there are not enough tokens in the liquidity pool, you won’t be able to swap as the Swap Button will say “Insufficient Liquidity”.
- Tip: Check on the default swap settings, such as slippage tolerance, by clicking on the ⚙️ icon at the top right.
- Tip: If the transaction size is too big and may have a significant impact on the token price, the Swap button will turn orange or red.
5. Click the “Swap” button to start the transaction. The process could take a while.
- Tip: If this is your first time exchanging the token on Metapier, you will be asked to provide approval for the token in your wallet extension to initiate this transaction.
6. Click the “Approve” button and confirm the order details.
7. Your transaction will start processing.
8. Once your transaction is processed, the transaction will be shown as completed.
Welcome aboard! Go check your new tokens in your wallet!
Now that you have a token pair, it’s time to earn some rewards by adding the tokens into a liquidity pool!
1. Navigate to the Liquidity Pool page and find the liquidity pool for your token pair. In this case, it is FLOW-FUSD.
2. Click on Add Liquidity button.
3. To add liquidity, select the tokens that you are interested in providing.
4. Enter the amount of tokens you want to deposit.
5. Click on the “Add Liquidity” button.
6. Approve the transaction in your wallet extension. Once the approval goes through, the tokens are deposited directly into the pool.
Congratulations on becoming a Metapier liquidity provider!
- Tip: When depositing or swapping, please leave at least 0.0001 FLOW in the wallet you’re using.
As the Metapier Sea Trial continues today, we want to hear your feedback! Once you’re done swapping tokens and depositing them into liquidity pools on Pier Wharf, make sure to check out the Sea Trial rules to learn how to be eligible for a free NFT and a chance to win exciting rewards!