The Metapier Sea Trial came to a close last week, and we received a total of 265 different responses. These responses included a vast array of comments, and they revealed a lot about Pier Wharf and how it can be improved.
Overall Feedback
In the Sea Trial survey, users were asked to rate their agreement (with 5 meaning total agreement and 1 meaning complete disagreement) with the following statements as they relate to their experience using Pier Wharf. The average ratings for these statements are as follows:
I am well-informed and comfortable with the Metapier swap process: 4.82
Swapping on Metapier was straightforward for me: 4.81
The process of providing liquidity was clear to me: 4.83
I feel informed and comfortable with providing liquidity to Metapier liquidity pools: 4.77
Feedback We’ve Received
We also received tons of valuable constructive feedback. Much of this feedback has already been addressed by the team - stay tuned for the mainnet launch where these suggestions have been implemented. Some examples include:
- There was an error in the transaction status when a user tries to withdraw liquidity tokens: this has been fixed!
- Some users suggested to integrate the Lilico wallet: done!
- Some have suggested a path to a cross-chain bridge: we have addressed this!
- A user kept running into an “insufficient balance” issue when all FLOW tokens were used for a swap: fixed!
Some users have also mentioned that the price impact of a trade is not intuitive in some cases, i.e. sometimes the price impact is bigger when the swap amount is smaller. This is because, depending on the amount of the tokens being swapped, different token swapping routes may be selected. When the amount of tokens is smaller, a smaller pool may provide a better price and may therefore have a larger impact on the token price. When the amount is larger, the smaller pool may not be sufficient, and so a larger pool is leveraged for the swap, meaning that the swap may have a smaller price impact on the larger pool.
Some Positive Comments
The following is just a sample of the love we received:
“Just congratulating you guys, because it is the smoothest I’ve tried so far. It was very easy trying the swap and add liquidity , coz you make it simple and easy to understand everything that is up there. No complex details and unnecessary content to comfuse [sic] the users. Thanks for that.”
“Through testing, I found it better than my expectations. You guys did a great job on your door. I really believe that this project will really go a long way to put smile in our face. I hope this project will develop well and will be on the moon”
The Sea Trial was a great stepping stone to the launch of Pier Wharf on mainnet, and allowed us to tweak and improve it one last time before it goes live this week. We truly appreciate the encouragement from the community and we hope Metapier will be bringing more DeFi to FLOW!